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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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How to reduce swelling after wisdom teeth extraction.

Friday, Dec. 13th 2013 12:39 PM

After having your wisdom teeth extracted it is important to follow your dentist after care instructions. However here are some tips that may help you reduce the swelling, and alleviate the discomfort to some extent.

1) Cold Compress:  you can place some ice cubes in a plastic bag.  From there you may want to put the bad in a clean towel. Hold it against your cheek for around 20 minutes. This will help to reduce the swelling. You may also want to use crushed ice inside your mouth in order to numb the area and reduce the swelling

2) Another cold press option: Instead of a bad of ice you can also use frozen veggies such as peas or corn. Frozen veggies mold easily to the shape and size of your face.

3) Pile on the pillows while sleeping. This would cease the bleeding sooner than when the individual lies without propping pillows.

4) If you have swelling that is more severe, you may want to opt for antibiotic.   Anti-inflammatory drugs which prevent the jaw and gum tissues from swelling are proven effective for wisdom tooth pain relief.  Talk to your dentist to see if this is best advise for you.

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