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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Son has BBTD how should I care for it until he see a dentist.

Tuesday, May. 18th 2010 1:48 PM

My husband and I had a casual oral hygiene routine when it came to our 18 month old son.  We would brush his teeth but only once a day.   We though that would be enough since I did wipe his teeth after eating.  However with in the last four weeks notice that he started to have bad breath that he did not have before.

I took a flash light and looked into his mouth and it seem as if he had some plaque buildup. Both myself and my husband became more aggressive with brushing his teeth.  We then would brush his teeth twice to three times a day.   However, even after doing that we started to notice a light brown spot on two of his teeth.   I am worried he may have BBTD

My husbands  family dental insurance starts in another three weeks.  So I am wondering if it is okay to wait the additional three weeks until the dental insurance kicks in,  or should I go now.  We have been waiting for his insurance to start up to this point but I am worried about my sons teeth.  I feel bad but did not think at the time only brushing his teeth once a day would be an issue.
I did not let him have the bottle while he slept only when he was a wake and I would then wipe his mouth afterwords.  Can the BBTD spread to the other teeth if we wait the three weeks?  Financially it would be better if we waited but just not sure what to do now.
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