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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Washington DC baby dental care, baby toothache

Jan. 4th 2011

My four year old son seems to have a dental toothache in one of  his back molars.  My wife is out of town and I really would not want to bother her while she is away.  I called the dentist but he can not see my son until two days from now. 

Is there anything for my son toothache.  He is not in a great deal of pain but it seems to come and go.  Or should I take him to a different dentist that can get him in sooner.

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Baby toothache, Has this ever happen to you.

May. 15th 2010

Two days ago my son woke me up around four in the morning complaining of a toothache.  I looked in side his mouth and one of his teeth looked like it had a cavity.  There was a brown spot on it and when I touch it he said it hurt.  He was in such pain I really felt bad for him since there was not much I could do at that time in the morning then just consul him the best I could.

Well as soon as it was 10.00 am I called my dentist who is really nice guy and said he would take my son the same day.  My husband is a pilot for American Air Lines and was not due to come home until much latter in the evening.

So I took my son to the dentist and he fix him right up.  My son was much better afterwords and the dentist gave him a mild pain killer prescription.  So by the time my husband got home our son was in bed asleep.

So here is the odd part.  Before telling my husband about our son’s toothache and the day we had, my husband started telling me he may need to see the dentist.  That his tooth started really hurting him around four in the morning and did not stop hurting until around three in the afternoon.  Which was around the time my son got out of the dentist office.   How weird.  My husband tooth has not bother him since then.

Posted by admin | in Baby Dentists, Baby Teeth Care, Baby Teeth Problems, Toothache | Comments Off on Baby toothache, Has this ever happen to you.

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