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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Loose Tooth

Friday, Oct. 13th 2017 6:15 AM

Reasons for a Tooth to be Loose. There are a few reasons why a tooth can be loose. If you have a loose tooth always check with your dentist to confirm why. With that said here are some reason a tooth can be loose.

1) All natural teeth have a slight amount of mobility that cushions them slightly when you chew. They are attached to the bone by a thin ligament layer, and they will move slightly in the socket. This is nothing about which someone should be alarmed.

2) For a tooth that suddenly becomes very loose, it may be a cracked root. Normally you can not save a tooth like that but see a dentist right away.

3) You can get a loose tooth from an impact injury to the mouth. If the mobility is minor many times it will heal without treatment. however significant looseness may require the tooth to be splinted in order to heal properly. Please see your dentist right away for proper diagnosis and care.

4) Advance Gum Disease. Gum disease is the number one reason for adult tooth loss. In advance gum disease cases dental treatment is fairly involved and requires cooperation on your part with home care and diligence and in keeping teeth cleaning appointments every two to four months, depending on the severity, so that your teeth are kept free of tartar.

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