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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Gingivitis and Pregnancy

Tuesday, Jan. 23rd 2018 6:34 AM

Question: Gingivitis/Gum Disease Can It Be Harmful to Unborn Babies? If you have gingivitis and or gum disease while pregnant can that be harmful to your baby?  I heard that it could be but I am not sure why.   My husband and I have been thinking about starting a family soon.  However I am getting treated for gingivitis.  How big of a worry is gingivitis while pregnant?

Reply: Having untreated gum disease/gingivitis has been linked to low birth weight. Keep in mind the key word is untreated gum disease/gingivitis. As long as you let your dentist know if you get pregnant you can still follow any gum disease treatment plan without worrying about having a baby.

Posted by Carol | in Baby Dental Care | Comments Off on Baby Dental, Gingivitis and Pregnancy

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