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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

My five year old is not nice to the dentist.

Monday, Apr. 26th 2010 2:16 PM

I need help please

My son is for the most part  is well behaved.  I do not have too many times when his behavior becomes an issue.   That is why I do not understand why he hates to go to the dentist.  He never had a bad experience with a dentist to make him afraid of them.   It is not the dentist because he acts the same with any dentist.

We got told by one dentist that he could not handle him since he was kicking and trying to bite.   I found a good dentist that knows just how bad my son is but even he will have to sometimes reschedule his appointments,  because my son is acting like a big time brat.

I am so embarrassed by him.  He really is only this bad about the dentist.  He is a good boy and I am at a lost on what to.  I almost do not want to take him to his dental appointments but I do knowing that I have to.  How do I at least make him behave at the dental office?

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