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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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The Increasing Cost of Braces

Wednesday, Jan. 15th 2014 7:24 AM

There is a lot that factors into the cost of orthodontic care, such as overhead ( which includes orthodontic staff, facilities and associated office costs) cost of actual hardware (brackets, wires, adhesives and attachments), In addition you have laboratory fees for diagnostic models or services.  So you can see as the cost of salaries, health care coverage, utilities, and supplies go up, so does the cost of braces.  Yet it does not stop there, recently there is new additional factor, which increases the cost of providing orthodontic treatment.  That is the new tax that is part of the new Obamacare health care plan.  There is a new 2.3% medical device tax.  Yes, that cost will likely add up to at least $175 more than the present fee.

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