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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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Teething remedies that help to treat teething pain.

Thursday, Apr. 5th 2012 8:25 AM

Teething is something all babies go though normally within their first year.  For some the teething process is not to difficult but for other babies teething can be a very painful experience.  Here are some teething remedies that may help your baby though their teething process.

For teething use cold things such as a wet washcloth in a plastic bag and chill it in the freezer for an hour or so. You can also soak the washcloth in some chamomile tea before freezing this will help calm gussy babies as well as help the sleep.

You can also refrigerate pacifiers or teething rings. However you do not want to freeze these thing since they are too hard when frozen and can damage baby gums. If your baby does not like cold items then chewing on a room temperature teething ring may work. There are also teething rings that vibrate and many baby like the feel of the vibration on their gums.

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