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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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Why do denture wearers have that bad breath?

Saturday, Sep. 13th 2014 9:50 AM

Question: I have noticed people with dentures usually have extremely bad breath that permeates the whole room. Is this just an unfortunate side effect of wearing dentures, or are they not caring for their teeth properly?

Answer: Dentures can cause bad breath odor.  The exact type of bacteria and debris that accumulates on your natural teeth and gums will also accumulate on false teeth.

This includes those types of bacteria that produce the volatile sulfur compounds that are responsible for causing bad breath.

Treatment for bad denture breath:  A person must clean their dentures more effectively and they also need to more thoroughly clean those parts of their mouth where bacteria tend to accumulate. (This includes both the tissues their dentures rest on and especially the posterior region of their tongue.)

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