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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Just how important are baby teeth?

Thursday, Jul. 9th 2015 8:50 AM

Question: My son has most of his baby teeth in.  We went to the dentist the other day and was told he has a small cavity in one of his teeth.  The dentist wants to do a filling on the tooth.  I did make appointment for that be done.  I have very good dental insurance. However, even though I will be having my sons tooth filled, I do wonder just how important are baby teeth?  They are not going to last for very long before they fall out. Is a cavity all that big of a deal if  the tooth is not staying anyway?

Answer: Yes baby teeth are important. They are just as important as their adult teeth. One should take care of baby teeth just as much as they would adult.

Baby teeth help guide in their adult teeth. They also help on speech. Too many missing baby teeth can effect the way a child learns out to pronounce words. This may seem cute at first, but not as the child becomes older and still saying words incorrectly.

You should always fix a cavity in a baby tooth. By not fixing a cavity in your child baby tooth, your baby could start to get a toothache just like you would if you did not fix a cavity in one of your teeth.

In short just because your baby does not keep their baby teeth does not make them any less important as their adult teeth yet to come.

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