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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Tooth Whitening

Thursday, Sep. 7th 2017 6:43 AM

Teeth whitening is used in order to provide a person with whiter brighter teeth. Many times stains from smoking, food and beverages are a main reason why teeth may not as white as we make like them. However other reasons can also include age, genetic factors and some prescription drugs. Tooth whitening falls into two categories:

Extrinsic: extrinsic is the removal of surface discoloration, brushing teeth your teeth is an example of extrinsic whitening which physically removes colored biofilm adhering to teeth and uncovering the natural enamel underneath.

Intrinsic: Chemical bleaching is a form of intrinsic whitening, which penetrates the surface and actually whitens the enamel. The bleaching procedure can be done with professionally prepared product either in a dental office or at home under dentist supervision. It can also be done at home using over-the-counter whitening products.

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