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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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Baby Dental – Fruit Juice

Friday, Nov. 17th 2023 10:11 AM

Fruit Juice May be Bad for Your Children’s Teeth as Soft Drink.

There are good benefits to fruit juice. However, just like soda, they can still harm your child’s teeth. According to the head of a leading Dentistry University in Australia, juices contain citric acid, which can dissolve the hard structures of your teeth, especially the exposed roots and the enamel, which leaves the inner parts of teeth exposed. In turn, this leads to tooth sensitivity. Water is the healthiest drink you can give your child, but you do not have to stop all other beverages. Give limited amounts of fruit juice and soda and have your child drink out of a straw to limit contact on their teeth.

Posted by Carol | in Baby Help | Comments Off on Baby Dental – Fruit Juice

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