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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Dental Health and Soda.

Sunday, Oct. 1st 2017 8:56 AM

Question: I love drinking coke and a few other sodas. However my dentist tell me I need to give them up. I know I will not stop drinking sodas but I do not want to have bad teeth either. What else can I do.

Answer: Soda like Coke over time can start to eat away your tooth enamel. You may be having this problem if your dentist is advising you to stop drinking soda. Soda is not the only thing you can drink that will do this, drinks such as energy drinks, coffee, and fruit juices can also have the same effect on your tooth enamel. Since you stated clearly that you are not going to stop drinking your soda try to do so within reason. Drink more water. Water is good for the body and does not harm your teeth.  Other things you can do: Drink though a straw. You want to reduce contact with your teeth.  When drinking soda do not baby it. Sipping on soda for a long to increases the contact with your teeth.  Have your soda with a meal and chew on sugar free gum afterwords.

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