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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, Soothing Your Teething Baby

Sunday, Mar. 15th 2015 6:19 AM

Cutting a tooth does not always go hand in hand with discomfort and sleepless nights. Many parents scarcely notice their child is teething until they spot a tiny pearl poking through their baby’s red gum. But some babies provide plenty of warning that teeth are on the way.

Common symptoms in the weeks before teeth sprout include excessive crankiness, frequent crying, a change in appetite, lots of drooling, gnawing, and even ear pulling. Swelling in the gums is the source of the pain. You can alleviate your baby’s discomfort by providing something to chomp on, such as chilled washcloth, cold teething toys, or rings filled with water. Distraction can also work. Give your baby a little extra one-on-one playtime, and lots of cuddling.

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