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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
Community forum discussion for individuals and families on dental care, oral hygiene, and other related health issues for babies, infants, toddlers, and children of all ages.

Baby Dental, When will my baby get his first tooth?

Tuesday, Mar. 17th 2015 6:21 AM

Normally babies get their first tooth around six months, but it can appear as early as three months or as late as 14 months. Typically, babies get teeth in pairs and they generally emerge in this order:

*  The bottom front teeth (incisors)

*  The top front teeth (incisors)

*  The bottom side teeth (incisors) and the upper side ones

*  The first molars (grinding teeth at the back of the mouth)

*  The canines (pointed teeth next to incisors)

*  The second molars  But every child is different.  By age two 1/2, most children will have about 20 teeth.

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