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Blog on Children's Dental Health Care
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How do you get your baby to sleep in a crib

Tuesday, Nov. 10th 2009 4:30 AM

Seven month old baby will not sleep in crib.

My seven month  old little boy will not sleep in the crib.  The odd thing is he use to be just fine sleeping in the crib up to about two weeks ago.  Now when I rock him and put him down he wakes up right away and start crying.   I let him cry for a little while to see if he will go back to sleep on his own but he does not.   I do not want him to just cry it out.

The Crib is in our room for right now so we are not too far away from him.  I am not sure why he is now not wanting to be in the crib.  Any ideas as to why or how I can resolve this problem.

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